9 October 2013
It has such a nice range of functionality that you should be able to control your own internet environment very easily and simply.
Stay secure:
Change Email passwords
Change ADSL passwords
Change FTP passwords
Manage MyDot users, user permissions, and passwords
Manage emails:
Create and terminate email accounts
Create and terminate aliases
Change email passwords
Set up forwards and autoreplies
Manage web hosting
View website hits and stats
Transfer files via Net2FTP
Manage DNS records
Monitor usage:
Monitor ADSL usage
Monitor hosting traffic and disk usage
Manage payments:
View all invoices
View account balance
Change payment details
Logging in with an email address and password will allow you to manage that email account and associated forwards and autoreplies. This is useful for employers who want their staff members to manage their own email accounts, passwords, autoreplies, etc.
Logging in with a domain name and FTP password will allow access to only those services associated with that specific domain (FTP, emails, DNS). This is useful if resellers want to give their clients access to only their specific domain and not the rest of the reseller account.
To access your control panel, please visit log in with the details provided. Please note that you will need to log in using your primary My[Dot] credentials.
You will be able to log in using any Imaginet username and password, such as those for your email or ADSL accounts, however, logging in with those details will only allow you to administer that one particular service . In other words, if you log in with an Imaginet email address which is not your primary log-in, you will only be able to manage that one email address, and will not have access to other control panel functions.
If you're not sure of your primary MtDot log-in details, please contact us.
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